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Cyan Circle BINGO Markers

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How To Play Picture BINGO

GET READY: Print out a different BINGO game card for each player. Hint: Press the "Load Another BINGO Card" button to scramble the pictures before printing each game card.

Print out 1 copy of the BINGO Call Out Sheet. Use scissors to cut out each picture square. Shuffle the square call out cards and lay face down on the table.

Grab something to use as markers. Items like Goldfish crackers, Cheerios, pennies and M&Ms all work well. If you can't find anything around the house to use as a marker, you can print some markers here.

PLAY: Distribute a game card and markers to each player. Players cover the free space with a marker.

The caller should flip over one call out square card, describe it and show it to the players. The players locate the matching picture on their bingo game card and then cover that picture with a marker.

The first player to cover five pictures in a row across, down, or diagonally calls out "BINGO"! This person is the winner.

VARIATIONS: Try these other BINGO game winning patterns to make the game more challenging.

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Free BINGO game cards from