Q: How do fall leaves get from place to place?
A: With autumn-mobiles.
Q: What is the cutest season?
A: Awwwtumn.
Q: There is a bush, a pine tree and an oak tree and it is the fall season. If the wind is blowing towards the west, which way does the leaves on the pine tree fall?
A: A pine tree doesn't have leaves. It has needles.
Q: Why did the scarecrow win the Nobel Prize?
A: Because he was out-standing in his field.
Q: What is a scarecrow's favorite fruit?
A: Straw-berries!
Q: What did the hat say to the scarf?
A: "You Go Around While I Go Ahead!"
Q: What did a tree fighting with Autumn say?
A: That's it, I'm leaving.
Q: How does an elephant get out of a tree?
A: It sits on a leaf and waits until Autumn.
Q: What did the tree say to Autumn?
A: Leaf me alone.
Q: How do you fix a broken pumpkin?
A: With a pumpkin patch.
Q: What falls in autumn?
A: Leaves!
Q: What did one autumn leaf say to another?
A: I'm falling for you.
Q: What do you get when you divide the circumference of a pumpkin by its diameter?
A: Pumpkin Pi!
Q: What is a tree's least favorite month?
A: Sep-timber!
Q: Who helps the little pumpkins cross the street to school?
A: The Crossing Gourd.
Q: If money really did grow on trees, what would be everyone's favorite season?
A: Fall!
Q: What do you get when you drop a pumpkin?
A: Squash!
Q: Why do birds fly south in the Fall?
A: Because it's too far to walk.
Q: What reads and lives in an apple?
A: A bookworm.
Q: Why do trees hate tests?
A: Because they get stumped by the questions.
Q: How do trees get onto the internet?
A: Easy, they just LOG on.
Q: Why did Summer catch Autumn?
A: Because Autumn had a fall.
Q: What's the best thing to put into a pumpkin pie?
A: Your teeth!
Q: How does an Elephant get out of a tree?
A: He sits on a leaf and waits till Autumn!
Q: What has ears but can't hear a thing?
A: A cornfield.
Q: Which side of a tree has the most leaves?
A: The outside.
Q: Why shouldn't you tell a secret in a cornfield?
A: Because the corn has ears.
Q: Why did Humpty Dumpty have a great fall?
A: To make up for a lousy summer!
Q: What do you call a tree that doubts fall is coming?
A: It is in Dis-be-leaf.
Q: What is black, white, orange, and waddles?
A: A penguin with a pumpkin!
Q: Why did the lions move at the end of summer?
A: Because the pride goeth before the fall!
Q: Did you hear about the tree who deserted the forest at the end of fall?
A: He was absent without leaves!
Q: What do you call a dude who really likes autumn?
A: A fall guy!
Q: What do trees say when they get their leaves back in spring?
A: What a re-leaf!
Q: What kind of vest should you wear in the fall?
A: A har-vest!