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The Paper Alphabet

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The Paper Alphabet

The Paper Alphabet

Description: A fun, paper-animated alphabet for toddlers and kids. Brandon and Lisa Ray made the animated alphabet for their son and daughter, Bleu and Violet. Find more animations at .

Category: Reading

Note: This video streams on an HTML5 player. It runs on Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari or Internet Explorer 9 or higher. It is also optimized for iOS devices, including iPad, iPod, and iPhone.

Common Core State Standards: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.K.1.D - Recognize and name all upper- and lowercase letters of the alphabet.

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Game Spotlight

Balloons Creator

Fill the container up to the fill line with colorful balloons, but be careful not to drop any. If you drop 3 or more balloons, you will need to start the level over again.