![How To Get A Higher Allowance](http://www.primarygames.com/videos/category/problemsolved/howtogetahigherallowance/logo.png)
Jeremy reads a letter from a viewer looking for a little financial advice, and gives you some practical tips for getting a pay bump from your parents!
![How To Deal With Annoying Siblings!](http://www.primarygames.com/videos/category/problemsolved/howtodealwithannoyingsiblings/logo.png)
Jeremy hears from a viewer with a pesky little sister, but don't worry! He's got a great game to keep your sibling out of your hair.
![How To Start Your Own Band](http://www.primarygames.com/videos/category/problemsolved/howtostartyourownband/logo.png)
Can't play an instrument? No potential band mates? Don't fret! Jeremy has the perfect solution for every type of rock star out there!
![How To Stop Daydreaming In Class!](http://www.primarygames.com/videos/category/problemsolved/howtostopdaydreaminginclass/logo.png)
Caught spacing out in science class? Don't worry! Jeremy's here with some great tips to keep you from losing focus
![Getting Called On In Class](http://www.primarygames.com/videos/category/problemsolved/gettingcalledoninclass/logo.png)
Hey! You in the back! Losing participation points because you're teacher can't see you? Don't worry, Jeremy can, and he has the perfect solution!
![Smelly Bus Driver](http://www.primarygames.com/videos/category/problemsolved/smellybusdriver/logo.png)
Time to say "Smell You Later!' to your stinky morning ride! Jeremy's perfect present will nip your funky problem right in the bud.