Janet's Planet Healthy Living
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5-9 portions of fruits and vegetables every day gives your body what it needs.
Start your day right with a healthy meal!
What, where, and with whom will you eat today?
Learn before you lunch! Understanding the information on food labels can make a big difference in how you eat healthy.
Here are some simple guidelines to making sure you're putting the right food on your plate!
How does food get to your plate? Find out in the farm fresh rap!
Besides good nutrition, there's nothing more important than exercise for a healthy body.
You do NOT want to end up like Mister Germy Sicky. Make your habits healthy!
Keep that water flowing...hydrate, and you'll keep feeling great.
Sure, fruit juice has fruit in it. But it's got a whole lot of something else that's NOT so good for you...sugar.
You are what you eat. And you're also how MUCH you eat. So smart size your meals!
Snack time is a great time to eat right. Here is some great food for a mid day munch.
Here are some simple guidelines to making sure you're putting the right food on your plate!
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