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PrimaryGames has the best free online videos! Browse our Videos Index to quickly find your favorite shows. We have over 600 titles to choose from and new videos are added every week.
All Videos A - Z: View All
PrimaryGames has the best free online videos! Browse our Videos Index to quickly find your favorite shows. We have over 600 titles to choose from and new videos are added every week.
- 100 Hearts: A Time Lapse Challenge
- 100 Percent Movie Night
- 5-9 A Day
- A Charlie Brown Christmas - True Meaning
- A Couple of Quacks
- A Good Days Work
- A Royal Fit
- A Smelly Taco Surprise
- A Tale of Two Kitties
- A Visit from St. Nicholas
- Adorable Bunny Sets Trick Record
- All By Myself
- All Fired Up
- All I Need Is Love
- All I Want for Christmas is You
- Almighty Water Chicken
- Ancient Egypt (Episode 15, Cut the Rope: Time Travel)
- Ancient Greece (Episode 16, Cut the Rope: Time Travel)
- And The Winner Is
- And What If?
- Apple Apple Aaa
- Arctic Giant
- Armor and Damage in Minecraft
- Arts and Crafts (Episode 7, Cut the Rope)
- Ask Highlights Kids: Siblings Fighting
- Aw… Nuts!
- Baking Buddies
- Bath Time (Episode 2, Cut the Rope)
- Ben & Hairy: Back On Truck
- Ben & Hairy: Blondie
- Ben & Hairy: Crunch In The Dark
- Ben & Hairy: Demolition
- Ben & Hairy: Hairy Nap
- Ben & Hairy: Lunch Break
- Ben & Hairy: Night Search
- Ben & Hairy: Paint It Blue
- Ben & Hairy: The Flood
- Ben and Hairy: Elevator
- Ben and Hairy: Stay Hairy Stay
- Ben and Hairy: When Hairy Met Heavy
- Bernie the Bat
- Betsy's Kindergarten Adventures: Happy Earth Day
- Billion Dollar Limited
- Bossy Bossy Boss
- Bottle Rocket Experiment
- Break From Prison
- Breakfast
- Breakfast Business
- Bubble Trouble
- Bubbles Beauty Blog
- Build The Cannon
- Candy Can (Episode 8, Cut the Rope)
- Candy Prescription (Episode 4, Cut the Rope)
- CaptainSparklez: Into The Void Episode 1
- CaptainSparklez: Into The Void Episode 2
- CaptainSparklez: Into The Void Episode 3
- CaptainSparklez: Into The Void Episode 4
- CaptainSparklez: Into The Void Episode 5
- CaptainSparklez: Into The Void Episode 6
- Cave Navigation Basics
- Chick Hatching From Egg
- Chicken Farm, Fishing
- Christmas Lights "Gangnam Style"
- Christmas Special (Episode 9, Cut the Rope)
- Cilantro And C-ORB
- Circus Bezerkus
- City Park (Episode 25, Cut the Rope: Unexpected Adventure)
- Climbing Up This Mountain (Counting by 10s up to 100)
- Coming Together
- Compass and Map
- Construction Begins
- Construction Continues
- Counting By Tens Song
- Counting With a Leprechaun
- Cow and Sheep Farming
- Cozy Cottage - Part 1
- Cozy Cottage - Part 2
- Crackerdiles Crackdown
- Cute Bunny Jumping Competition
- Dem Gems
- Disco Era (Episode 18, Cut the Rope: Time Travel)
- Distraction House
- Dog Man and Cat Kid
- Dog Man Trailer
- Dog Man Unleashed
- Dog with the Longest Tongue
- Don't Be Shellfish
- Doors, Shears
- Dressed to Ill
- Duckie See, Duckie Do
- Dude's Lagoon
- Eggstravaganza
- Electric Earthquake
- Ep 1 - Marinette and Adrien
- Ep 10 - Ladybug As Seen by Adrien
- Ep 2 - Marinette and Alya
- Ep 3 - Marinette's Double Life
- Ep 4 - Cat Noir as seen by Marinette
- Ep 5 - My Birthday Party
- Ep 6 - Marinette in Paris
- Ep 7 - Marinette and Fashion
- Ep 8 - Ladyblog
- Ep 9 - Adrien's Double Life
- Episode 1: Builders Build & Bashers Bash!
- Episode 10: Father-Son Dungeon Day
- Episode 11: Captain Cannonbaby
- Episode 12: Magic Tools Bedtime Tale
- Episode 13: A Basher Named Phil
- Episode 14: Build-n-Bash Games
- Episode 15: Builders Say Cheese
- Episode 16: Frenemy Feast
- Episode 17: Builder Basher Battle-O-Rama
- Episode 18: Top Builder-Basher Moments
- Episode 19: An Alarming Situation!
- Episode 2: How to Build A Beast
- Episode 20: Things That Go Bash In The Night
- Episode 21: The Un-Unboxing Show
- Episode 22: Stuck in the Middle
- Episode 23: Sib-Building Rivalry
- Episode 24: A Bashingly Good Dream
- Episode 25: The More You Crow
- Episode 26: Bash Kitty
- Episode 3: D.I.Y. with C.C.B.
- Episode 4: Buildera Self-Improvement
- Episode 5: Not My Flower!
- Episode 6: The Quest for Dehiccafurp
- Episode 7: King Hex Inspection
- Episode 8: King For A Day
- Episode 9: No Aye-Aye in Team
- Exploring and Beacons
- Farmer Phil
- Fastest Time to Light an LED with a Fruit Battery
- Fastest Time to Pop 100 Balloons By a Dog
- Fastest Time to Solve a Rubik's Cube on a Pogo Stick!
- Favorite Food (Episode 3, Cut the Rope)
- Fences and Gates
- Find Gold and Kill Skelly
- FInding Employees
- Five Little Turkeys
- Five Nights At Freddy's
- Follow The Yellow Brick Road
- Food for Thought
- Food Labels
- Forest (Episode 22, Cut the Rope: Unexpected Adventure)
- Forever Friends Saint Patrick's Day
- Fred - Christmas is Creepy
- Fred Figglehorn - Christmas Cash
- Fred on Valentine's Day
- Friendfest Festival
- Fruit Market (Episode 27, Cut the Rope: Unexpected Adventure)
- Galileo
- Get Off the Couch!
- Gigi the Jigglebug
- Go Cry A Kite
- Going Green with D-rop: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
- Gone Wishing
- Good Enough
- Gopher Help
- Gravitational Force
- Green Pug Recycles
- Hair and Share Alike
- Halloween Special (Episode 5, Cut the Rope)
- Harvesting Livestock
- Healthy Habits
- Henry Cavendish
- Hide The Hideouts
- Highest Jump by a Dog & Skipping Dog
- Highest Standing Jump with One Leg
- Highlights Kids: Ask Highlights Kids: Stealing
- Highlights Kids: Brain Play: Paintings Coming to Life
- Highlights Kids: Brain Play: Squish Sounds
- Highlights Kids: Did You Know: Butterflies
- Highlights Kids: Did You Know: Jupiter and Saturn
- Highlights Kids: Did You Know: Sloths
- Highlights Kids: Did You Know: Sneezing
- Highlights Kids: My Best Friend Moved Away
- Highlights Kids: Weather Jokes
- Highlights Kids: Who Am I? #1
- History of Valentine's Day
- Hocus Pocus
- Hoe Down Slow Down
- Home Sweet Home
- Home Sweet Home (Episode 20, Cut the Rope: Time Travel)
- How to Beat a Bully
- How To Craft a Turkey Gourd Thanksgiving Centerpiece
- How To Make a Christmas Tree Pop-Up Card
- How To Make a Hand Turkey
- How to Survive Your First Night in Minecraft
- How to Train a Guide Dog
- Hunger
- Hydrate!
- I Am The Earth
- I Can't Decide
- I Can't Wait
- I Found Love Jingle
- I Like YOU!
- Incredible Team Skipping Challenge
- Installing New Lights
- Intro
- Investibadgers
- InvestiGators Teaser
- InvestiGators Teaser 2
- Irish Dancing on What Now
- Janet's Farm to Plate Rap
- Jingle Bells
- Juice Abuse
- Junkyar (Episode 24, Cut the Rope: Unexpected Adventure)
- Just Desserts
- Justin Bieber - Mistletoe
- Lalaloopsy A Ruff Rescue
- Lalaloopsy Webisode 1: Jewel Sparkles' Un-Birthday Party
- Lalaloopsy Webisode 2: Mittens Fluff 'N' Stuff Wants a Snow Day
- Lalaloopsy Webisode 3: Peanut Big Top Learns to Ride the Unicycle
- Lalaloopsy Webisode 4: Pillow Featherbed Up All Night
- Lalaloopsy Webisode 5: Bea Spells-A-Lot and the Pet Talent Show
- Lalaloopsy Webisode: It's a Wrap
- Lalaloopsy Webisode: Too Close for Comfort
- Land of Lost Socks
- Largest Collection of Wizarding World Memorabilia!
- Largest Decorated Easter Egg
- Largest Female Feet
- Largest Fidget Spinner
- Largest Rubik's Cube in the World!
- Letters of the Alphabet : Song (Part 1)
- Little Bunny Foo Foo Song
- Little Lost Dino
- Little Snowflake
- Longest Cat in the World
- Longest Duration Skipping Whilst Hula Hooping
- Longest Fingernails
- Longest Wave Surfed by a Dog
- Lord of the Fleas - Sneak Peek - Episode 10
- Lord of the Fleas - Sneak Peek - Episode 3
- Lord of the Fleas - Sneak Peek - Episode 4
- Lord of the Fleas - Sneak Peek - Episode 5
- Lord of the Fleas - Sneak Peek - Episode 6
- Lord of the Fleas - Sneak Peek - Episode 7
- Lord of the Fleas - Sneak Peek - Episode 8
- Lord of the Fleas - Sneak Peek - Episode 9
- Lord of the Fleas – Sneak Peek – Episode 1
- Lord of the Fleas – Sneak Peek – Episode 2
- Mad Mad Mad
- Magic Tricks (Episode 6, Cut the Rope)
- Make It: Dog Biscuits
- Making Friends
- Mango And Brash Receive Their V.E.S.T.S
- Marshmallow Experiment
- Martin Luther King - I Have a Dream
- Me, Oh My, Blueberry Pie!
- Mechanical Monster
- Meet Blosom the Tallest Cow Ever
- Microgravity and Astronauts
- Minecraft Fairytales: Fairy Tale Minecraft #1 - Three Billy Goats Gruff
- Minecraft Fairytales: Fairy Tale Minecraft #2 - Little Red Riding Hood
- Minecraft Fairytales: Fairy Tale Minecraft #3 - Three Little Pigs
- Minecraft Fairytales: Fairy Tale Minecraft #4 - Jack & Jill
- Minecraft Fairytales: Fairy Tale Minecraft #5 - Hansel & Gretel
- Minecraft Fairytales: Fairy Tale Minecraft #6 - The Boy Who Cried Wolf
- Minecraft Fairytales: Fairy Tale Minecraft #8 - Elves And The Shoemaker
- Minecraft Fairytales: Nativitycraft - Christmas Story
- Mining, Smelting
- Monkey See. Monkey Break.
- Mosa Mack Science Detective: Climate Change Answer
- Mosa Mack Science Detective: Climate Change Mystery
- Mosa Mack Science Detective: Food Webs Answer
- Mosa Mack Science Detective: Food Webs Mystery
- Mosa Mack Science Detective: Photosynthesis Answer
- Mosa Mack Science Detective: Photosynthesis Mystery
- Most Basketball Slam Dunks in One Minute by a Rabbit
- Most Dominoes Toppled in a 2D Pyramid
- Most Finger Snaps in One Minute
- Most Pyraminx Solved Underwater
- Most Skips in 24 Hours
- Most Tricks Performed by a Dog in One Minute
- Mouse in the House: Cabbage Indicator
- Mouse in the House: DIY Lava Lamp
- Mouse in the House: Egg Steamboat
- Mouse in the House: Fizzing Volcano
- Mouse in the House: Lemon Battery
- Mouse in the House: Martian Mud
- Mouse in the House: Rainbow Milk
- Mouse in the House: Treasure Diver
- Mouse in the House: Weatherman's Barometer
- Muppets "Joy To The World"
- Musical Jokes
- My First Flame
- My Lucky Day - Cool Tunes for Kids by Eric Herman
- Nilanshi Patel: India's Rapunzel
- Now We're Cookin'
- Om Nom Stories: Bakery (Episode 28, Cut the Rope: Unexpected Adventure)
- One Big Mess
- One Crabby Day
- One Penny - US Coins Song
- Orbax and Pepper React to the Loudest Burp
- Outer Space: "A Beautiful, Beautiful World," The Earth Song by StoryBots
- Parabolas and Weightlessness
- Parkour Lava Pit
- Perfect Scoop
- Pet Wolf
- Pete the Cat - I Love My White Shoes - Live Telling
- Phonics Song 2 (new version)
- Pig Farm
- Pineapple Rain
- Pirate Ship (Episode 14, Cut the Rope: Time Travel)
- Pirate Ships
- Pocoyo - Episode - The Key To It All
- Pocoyo - Episode - Umbrella Umbrella
- Portion Control
- Potatoes and Cabbage (St. Patrick's Day Song)
- PPG/TTG Crossover
- Pranks, Mom!
- Problem Solved: Getting Called On In Class
- Problem Solved: How To Deal With Annoying Siblings!
- Problem Solved: How To Get A Better Snack
- Problem Solved: How To Get A Higher Allowance
- Problem Solved: How To Start Your Own Band
- Problem Solved: How To Stop Daydreaming In Class!
- Problem Solved: Smelly Bus Driver
- Puppy Easter
- Quiet Time
- Quit Bugging Me
- Rainbow Show
- Redstone and Slimes!
- Reindeer Party
- Review By Two - Ami Di Bella Reviews HILO: THE GREAT BIG BOOM
- Review By Two - Sydnastical Reviews LUCY & ANDY NEANDERTHAL
- Review By Two - The Wild Adventure Girls Review LUCY & ANDY NEANDERTHAL
- Review By Two - Tristin & Tyler Review HILO: THE GREAT BIG BOOM
- River Crossing
- Robo Friend (Episode 10, Cut the Rope)
- Robot That Solves Rubik's Cubes
- Rocket Chitchat
- Rubik's Cube World Champion
- S-A-N-T-A
- Safari So Bad
- Saint Patrick Song
- Sandy Dam (Episode 23, Cut the Rope: Unexpected Adventure)
- Santa, Where Are You?
- SATUR-YAY-AAAH!!! Cartoon Playlist
- Secret Tunnels
- Sesame Street: Elmo and Whale: Love
- Sibling Prankery
- Silly Smighty Day
- Sir Isaac Newton
- Skidamarink!
- Smighty Claus
- Smighty Frighty
- Smighty Jam
- Smorigins
- Snack Smart
- Sneevil Genie
- Snitchel Impresses
- Snow Lie
- Something Fishy
- Square Off: Good Morning Emoji
- Square Off: Happy New Holiday!
- Square Off: Name That Dish
- Square Off: The Ultimate Super Power
- Square Off: TTFN Texting Terms
- Square Off: Which is the Worst?
- Squishy Slimey Smlugs
- Stay Put
- Strange Delivery (Episode 1, Cut the Rope)
- Sugar Cane Farm
- Summary
- Super Duper Party Pooper
- Super Fun Color Run
- Symmetry
- Talkin' Treehouse - Hashtag Zoe Reviews The 65 Story Treehouse
- Talkin' Treehouse - Kid Rocket Reviews The 65 Story Treehouse
- Talkin' Treehouse - Sydnastical Reviews The 65 Story Treehouse
- Talkin' Treehouse - The Ekholms Review The 65 Story Treehouse
- Tallest Stack of Doughnuts in One Minute
- Ten Little StoryBots - StoryBots Classic Songs
- Terror on the Midway
- That's Impossible
- The Alphabet Chant from Super Simple Songs
- The Balloon Guy
- The Bank Job
- The Big Bouquet
- The Big Numbers Song
- The Big Pig Song
- The Blame Game
- The Boys Head To HQ
- The Bulleteers
- The Candy Kingdom
- The Catelephant
- The Cheat Is On
- The Chew Chew Train
- The Digits: Queen Plurbis
- The First Thanksgiving
- The Food Pyramid
- The Gift
- The Great Race
- The Jokester
- The Kittie Express
- The Kitty Kitty Bop
- The Lollipop Rodeo
- The Mad Scientist
- The Magic Flower
- The Magic Mrs. Tick
- The Magnetic Telescope
- The Middle Ages (Episode 12, Cut the Rope: Time Travel)
- The Missing Stink
- The Muppets: Ringing of the Bells
- The Oldest Tapir in the World!
- The Paper Alphabet
- The Pet Set
- The Powerpuff Girls: Once Upon a Townsville
- The Powerpuff Girls: Ping Pong Z
- The Princess and the Bee
- The Reel Deal
- The Renaissance (Episode 13, Cut the Rope: Time Travel)
- The Right Fluff
- The Rule of Nines
- The Smighty Express
- The Space Squid Kid
- The Stone Age (Episode 17, Cut the Rope: Time Travel)
- The Story of 10 Little Pigs
- The Treasure of Parrot Point
- The Wishing Stars
- They Might Be Giants - Alphabet Lost and Found
- They Might Be Giants - I Can Add
- They Might Be Giants - Meet the Elements
- They Might Be Giants - One Everything
- They Might Be Giants - Roy G. Biv
- They Might Be Giants - Solid Liquid Gas
- They Might Be Giants - Zeroes
- Three Days To Live
- Time to Climb
- Time Travel (Episode 11, Cut the Rope: Time Travel)
- Tom Bagnall: Fastest Jet Powered Go-Kart
- Too Few Clues
- Tooth Trouble
- Treasure Map Adventure
- Turbo Talent Show
- TurboBot Roll Off!
- UMIGO: A Cup Fills Up
- UMIGO: Bit by Bit
- UMIGO: Break It Down
- UMIGO: Check That Volume
- UMIGO: Count Back Jack
- UMIGO: Creature Costume Party
- UMIGO: Dizzy D
- UMIGO: Double Trouble
- UMIGO: Geometrics From the 3rd Dimension
- UMIGO: Greater Than Less Than
- UMIGO: Heavy
- UMIGO: Holiday
- UMIGO: I See Shapes
- UMIGO: Line Me Up
- UMIGO: Mr. Measure
- UMIGO: Pizza Party
- UMIGO: Rocketbox
- UMIGO: That Makes 10
- UMIGO: The Ruler
- UMIGO: Wanna Win? Add on Ten!
- UMIGO: We All Sing
- Underground (Episode 26, Cut the Rope: Unexpected Adventure)
- Unexpected Adventure (Episode 21, Cut the Rope: Unexpected Adventure)
- UniKitty: Action Forest
- UniKitty: Birthday Blowout
- UniKitty: No Day Like Snow Day
- UniKitty: Sparkle Matter Matters
- Valentine's Day - Ooh, Aah & You
- Valentine's Day Song for Children
- Volcano
- Water World
- Way of the Warrior Kid: 5 Steps To The Ultimate Photoshoot
- Way of the Warrior Kid: Become a WARRIOR KID with The Wild Adventure Girls!
- Way of the Warrior: How To Become A WARRIOR KID
- Way of the Warrior: Preparing for Volleyball and Soccer Like A Warrior Kid
- Weapons, Combat, Experience
- Weight and Mass
- What Does It Mean To Be Green?
- What Happens in Microgravity
- What If There Were No Gravity
- What is Gravity?
- What Is Microgravity?
- What's On Your Plate?
- What's the Time?
- Wheat Farm
- Who Dino
- Wild West (Episode 19, Cut the Rope: Time Travel)
- Witch Way?
- Wonder Woman: Part 1
- Wonder Woman: Part 2
- Wonder Woman: Part 3
- World's Largest Collection of Video Games
- You Can Say That Again
Still can't decide? Watch one of these cool videos.

Rocket Chitchat

Om Nom Stories: Bakery (Episode 28, Cut the Rope: Unexpected Adventure)

UMIGO: Bit by Bit

The Candy Kingdom

InvestiGators Teaser

Time Travel (Episode 11, Cut the Rope: Time Travel)

A Charlie Brown Christmas - True Meaning

Way of the Warrior: Preparing for Volleyball and Soccer Like A Warrior Kid

Problem Solved: How To Stop Daydreaming In Class!

Talkin' Treehouse - Hashtag Zoe Reviews The 65 Story Treehouse

The Chew Chew Train

Episode 6: The Quest for Dehiccafurp

Disco Era (Episode 18, Cut the Rope: Time Travel)

Ep 3 - Marinette's Double Life

Cave Navigation Basics

UMIGO: Geometrics From the 3rd Dimension

Farmer Phil

Episode 25: The More You Crow

Review By Two - Tristin & Tyler Review HILO: THE GREAT BIG BOOM

Mouse in the House: Rainbow Milk